When it comes to materials used to manufacture wallets, most people will tell you that the classiest material available is leather. At the same time, however, those people would probably be unable to tell you exactly why they prefer leather over the other available materials. This is not limited to wallets, but extends to bags, shoes, and even jackets. Leather wallets are simply more elegant and classy than other wallets. The downside to wallets leather is that it needs more care than other materials, such as canvas which does not need anything more than the occasional washing when it gets dirty.
Leather is made by tanning and curing the hides of cows, and being from such an organic and natural source, it is no wonder that leather can easily degrade if not properly treated. Thankfully, keeping leather healthy is extremely simple and easy. First, leather is supple and flexible because of the moisture that it retains, and without that moisture, the leather would crack and eventually break or tear. This makes it necessary to moisturize anything made of leather every so often, to stop the leather from drying out and cracking. You also have to be very careful not to get it damp or wet for extended periods of time. If you have a leather wallet and it gets wet, make sure that you dry it properly as soon as possible to stop the leather from decaying or growing mouldy.
The same properties that cause leather to require added care also give leather its desirable qualities. The organic origins of leather mean that leather has a texture that simply cannot be replicated by any synthetic materials, even though many companies have tried to do so with faux leather. Leather is extremely durable because the hides of cows have to be extremely thick and resistant to prevent them from being injured and to serve as a defence against biting insects. A leather wallet, properly taken care of, can be used for years without losing its appearance. In fact, many types of leather actually look better as they get older and more used. As a leather wallet is used and constantly handled, its coloration fades slightly and any texturing becomes smoothed, thereby creating that 'well-worn' look that is extremely popular in today's fashion.
Finally, leather is also a sign of maturity. Many fathers make gifts of leather wallets to their sons when they come of age, and are no longer suited for the canvas and plastic wallets that most teenagers tend to carry. A leather wallet is a sign that the son is no longer dependent on his parents for money and that he is ready to make his own way in the world, as an adult and with an elegant wallet that matches his new role.
Leather wallets are classy accessories no matter who carries them, and while wallets leather may require some care for it to stay in good condition, this should not deter you in the slightest if you wish to purchase an elegant yet useful accessory for yourself or a loved one. About the Author
The available at Wallet Empire are made using only the finest , and if you purchase one of their wallets, you can be sure that your wallet will turn heads whenever you pull it from your pocket!
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